Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wimax and Mobile ? Blog Archive ? Song Motorola is united by ...

At night on the 15th, one deserves to be called the news shaken to spread out of in mobile communication trade: The valley song of giant of Internet announces that has already reached an agreement with giant Motorola Mobile of mobile communication, will purchase Motorola Mobile with cash of 12,500 million dollars in valley song. If the merger trade is finished, have a history of more than 80 years, Motorola Mobile that has made the first commercial cellular telephone in the world will entrust the body founding the valley songs of upstart of Internet of more than 10 years alone, become its subsidiary. This is global a deep and powerful incident of mobile communication and Internet trade in recent years, or will make the whole industrial pattern produce the great change.

The competition of patent helps to purchase

Motorola Company has brilliant past, deserve to be called the persons who lay a foundation of the mobile communication trade. However, because critical strategy several times in recent years misses, make Motorola glide in a succession of experiences of market of mobile communication that he managed mainly, has faced suffering the loss seriously over several years, 1/6 that its stock price has already fallen to the historical peak. A lot of analysts predict Motorola will go on and sell a way before this. However, the purchasing price of 40 dollars of every strand that this valley song provided, than its closing price premium 63% of the day before yesterday, this appraisal has far gone beyond analyst?s valuation to the hardware business of the Motorola cell-phone, then, what has facilitated the valley song to give a long price for no longer Motorola of the strong wind? Trade personage with one voice: Patent.

At present, competition of market taking patent as weapon is going on in the mobile communication trade like a raging fire. Before this, valley the intersection of Android cell-phone and operating system that song develop adopt Samsung, HTC, the intersection of Sony and the intersection of Ericsson and Motorola,etc. and numerous manufacturers already, market share its rise successively, to intellectual the intersection of mobile phone and the intersection of king and apple and cultivate, reaped Microsoft not strong and commits the serious threat for many years in field this of market. Because the valley song is a newcomer, basically there is not a patent that is accumulated in the field of mobile phone, so the patent action that the mobile phone manufacturer which adopted Android system has been initiated by apple and Microsoft in succession, the varied products of Samsung already because the infringement lawsuit that the apple has brought has been forbidden selling in Europe by the court, many manufacturers such as HTC are forced to pay the patent and authorize the fee to Microsoft according to each mobile phone. This situation is disadvantageous that the ecosystem of Android cell-phone extremely may well be termed, but the valley song suffers from having no corresponding means to deal with the rival?s ? coerces ? oneself ,Protect one?s own downstream manufacturer.

However, in the field of most weak basic patent of mobile phone of the valley song exactly, Motorola is that one has ? nuclear arsenal ? Big player. The accumulation in this field in decades, let Motorola have over 17,000 patents, in addition there are 7500 patents in course of checking. These patents have included every aspect of the mobile communication trade, including the key patent of a lot of 4G mobile communication. Through to the purchase of Motorola, let the valley song obtain a unique skill in the patent fight. In the future, the way in which the valley song can be authorized through the patent, will let manufacturers such as Samsung, HTC,etc. share the patent pool of Motorola, thus make apple and Microsoft difficult by and then bringing the new infringement lawsuit to Android manufacturer, Android ecosystem be strengthened by a wide margin. 12 makes

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