Friday, August 26, 2011

Consolidation Quote Web Site Promises Savings of ... - Finance Website

Consolidation Quote Web Site Promises Savings of Thousands

Buena Park, CA (PRWEB) June 24, 2006, an online debt consolidation service, offers customers financial freedom at their fingertips, helping individuals and families become debt-free in cost-effective and wholly responsible ways.

?Our mission is put the most advanced debt consolidation methods to best use in servicing our clients and their creditors,? says Justin Southard of ( ?All too often, debt cripples families and people more than it should, and we help avoid the most debilitating effects of debt.? works by pre-negotiating new terms with creditors, consolidating various unsecured debts like credit cards, student loans, personal loans and repossessions into one easily managed and less expensive debt. The web site offers people with a combined debt of at least $ 5,000 a free consultation online with no further obligations.

Once the debt consolidation is under way, customers need to make only one lump payment per month, often hugely lower ? thanks to better terms and lower interest rates ? than what they would pay otherwise. The service thus results in big monthly savings, and customers can also pay off their debts faster, becoming debt-free in no time. uses some unique features to give their customers the best possible service, including a control panel that allows customers to review the realtime status of their accounts online.

?Families and societies can only really progress when debt stops dragging them back every step of the way,? says Southard. ?Our services at assist our customers to achieve that debt-free status with as little heartache and expense as possible.?

About offers customers financial freedom at their fingertips, educating and assisting individuals and families in debt with a cost-effective, responsible and dignified choice to become debt-free. By consolidating various debts and pre-negotiating new terms with creditors, saves customers thousands of dollars and enables them to become debt-free faster. For more information, please visit

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