Monday, September 26, 2011

Obesity Causes and Symptoms and Obesity ... - Health Details

Posted by health | Posted in Obesity | Posted on 24-09-2011

Tags: Adverse Effects, Alarming Rate, Bmi, Body Mass Index, Causes Of Obesity, Causes Of Obesity In America, Childhood Obesity, Hectic Lifestyles, High Calorie Foods, Home Remedies, Intense Fitness, Junk Foods, Medical Professional, Obesity Causes, Obesity In America, Obesity Treatment, Obesity Treatments, overweight, Sedentary Lifestyle, Unhealthy Diet


Obesity is a condition in which there is a significant amount if fat in is excess in the body. Obesity is generally measured with the help of body mass index or BMI. If your BMI is between 25 and 29.9 then you are considered as overweight and if your BMI is over 30 then you are considered as obese. If you fall into this category, you may be eligible to receive specialized obesity treatment from your physician.
Read more on Home Remedies for Overweight and Natural Weight Loss and also visit on Cellulite TreatmentObesity is an increasing phenomenon and it is not only witnessed in adults but also in children and teenagers. Nowadays we are mainly consuming junk foods and high calorie foods as a result our hectic lifestyles and these foods being more readily available. If you believe that obesity can be managed easily and take it lightly then you should to think again. If you are overweight or obese then now is probably the best time to lose weight, as these are serious conditions that can have adverse effects on your health. The best way to start is to speak to a medical professional about the best weight loss treatments or obesity treatments for you. It is often advised that you lose some weight before you attempt a intense fitness routine to lose weight.Causes of Obesity  Obesity could be a combination of the following:  1.    The genes you inherited from your parents2.    How well your body turns food into energy3.    Your eating and exercising habits4.    Your surroundings5.    Psychological factors  Obesity Treatment GuidelinesThe most common causes of obesity are improper lifestyle and unhealthy diet. Sedentary lifestyle and living on fast foods are the most common causes of obesity in America. Obesity can also be genetic and childhood obesity in also increasing at an alarming rate. There are certain guidelines for obesity treatments which are:1.    Calculation of BMI.2.    Deciding why the treatment is needed.3.    Assessing presence of any heart diseases.4.    Sustained weight loss goals.5.    Options of treatments ? pharmacotherapy, surgery or lifestyle therapy.6.    Post therapy follow up and medications.7.    Proper evidence supporting the treatment throughout.Obesity Treatment and PreventionDepending on the severity of symptoms, treatments are carried out accordingly. If a person has other health disorders (e.g. Diabetes, thyroidism, heart diseases, etc.), associated with obesity, then treatments need to be carried out with intense precision, so that there are no side effects. The mode of treatment varies for children and adults.Obesity Treatment for ChildrenRecent statistics have shown that 16% of US children are suffering from obesity symptoms. Early diagnosis can help to get rid of obesity in children. The most genuine causes of obesity in children are their food habits and lifestyle. Here are few childhood obesity treatment options.Lifestyle: Children must be encouraged to be involved in physical activities. Instead of spending hours infront of computers, they should actively participate in outdoor sports like cricket, football, volleyball, etc. Jogging, running and swimming can do much to prevent obesity.Food Habits: The present generation children are much more inclined towards consuming junk and fast foods. These foods can do nothing better than adding extra pounds to the body. You must make an effort to include more vegetables and fruits in their diet to prevent problems associated with obesity.Medical Treatments: In case your child is suffering from diseases like asthma, bronchitis, along with obesity, get proper treatments from doctors. The best option to deal with obesity is to follow the doctor?s advice systematically and once your child gets cured, maintain the rules set aside to control any bad effects in future.Obesity Treatment for AdultsObesity symptoms for adults are much more serious than children. The first and foremost thing is that the patient must be motivated for losing weight. If neglected, obesity leads to chronic heart diseases, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. People suffering from obesity can also show symptoms of sleep apnea, osteoarthritis and cancer. The possible obesity treatment options are enlisted below.Exercises: Regular exercise is a good option to burn the layers of fat deposited inside the body. Certain fat burning exercises, are extremely helpful in eliminating the excess fat, that leads to obesity. Adults must follow a regular weight loss program under the guidance of an experienced trainer.Proper Diet: This is the most important aspect to consider, if you seriously want to lose weight. People who are regularly consuming food rich in fat and carbohydrate are vulnerable to obesity. Instead, supplement some healthy food items as a part of your diet. Fruits and vegetables must be replaced in place of fast foods. Drink plenty of water in a day. Along with diet, doctors often prescribe weight loss pills for obesity.Surgery: Surgery is the last option for people who are extremely obese or suffer from morbid obesity. Morbid obesity is genetic and surgery is the only means of cure. Today people go for weight loss surgery for obesity to lose the extra fat around their body. However, it?s always advised, that obesity surgery should be the last option.??????? <!?INFOLINKS_OFF?>


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