Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Walker: Recall is about 'union money' (Politico)

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who is likely to face a recall election later this year after organizers looking to oust the governor turned in a whopping million signatures supporting their cause, said Wednesday that the effort to oust him is ?all about the union money.?

?The real bottom line is, the national unions want their hands on the money,? Walker said in an interview with Fox News. ?It?s all about the union money, it?s not about the workers? money ? they want those automatic dues, and they?ll spend just about anything to get that back.?

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Walker, who predicted that the recall would take place sometime in June or July, was unapologetic about his record, noting that he didn?t raise taxes, lay off thousands of public employees or cut into services like Medicaid, and confidently concluded, ?We kept all of our promises.?

?The majority of people in this state put me in office to do what I said,? he said. ?Interestingly enough, ? you have a recall election, normally you have a recall about someone who breaks their promises. We kept all of our promises and yet you?ve got a core group that are just sore about that.?

Even as he predicted that the recall will be a close race, Walker said, ?We earned the trust of the majority of people in the state of Wisconsin in Nov. 2010 ? it?s our chance to earn that trust again.?

The embattled governor had infuriated many in his state by pushing through a law that ended most collective bargaining rights for many public workers.

The Wisconsin Democratic Party celebrated gathering almost double the number of signatures necessary to force a recall election of Walker on Tuesday, dubbing their efforts ? which also targeted Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch and a handful of Republican state legislators ? the ?biggest? in American history.


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