Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fore: Obama, Bill Clinton enjoy round of golf

JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Md. (AP) ? Fore ? 42 and 44 are playing 18.

Former President Bill Clinton ? the 42nd president ? is joining President Barack Obama ? he's No. 44 ? for a round of golf at Joint Air Base in Maryland.

Also in the group, according to the White House, are U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and longtime Clinton backer and strategist Terry McAuliffe, who's running for governor in Virginia in 2013.

Clinton was a big help to Obama in the president's re-election campaign ? an exceptional surrogate who made dozens of appearances for the incumbent and vouched for his economic record.

Clinton also made a well-regarded speech at the Democratic convention and won praise for sometimes explaining Obama's record better than Obama was doing himself.


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