Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Internet Sales Machine | WSO Shop

Give Me 5 Minutes And I Will Show You?

How 3 Easy Steps Can Guarantee Your Online Profits To Explode 5 Times More & Dramatically Increase Your Customer Lifetime Value To 1400%? In Less Than 48 Hours!Click ?Play? to Watch This Video Now!

Find Out How I Banked In $51,671.50 Instead Of $16,996 From One Of My Campaigns? And How The Same Blueprint Raked In $250,000 Sales & Secured #7 On ClickBank Within Launch Week!

?Could This Be The Last Make Money Online Course You Will Ever Need?? You Decide.

Dear Warrior,

If you are sick and tired of all the hype ? everything from the latest ?commission? whatever to ?secret? something products ? you are not alone.

Most of these products are centered on some kind of ?loophole? from a big time website like Google and Facebook to make money fast. All it takes is a simple change and everyone who?s been exploiting these ?loopholes? are stop dead in their tracks.

Enough with fads and short term trends. If you want to create everlasting wealth online, there is only one way to do it and that is to create REAL VALUE. Period.

Selling Just One Product Is Never Going To Make You Rich.

Almost never will.

When you do the mathematics, you will quickly realize that peddling merely just a single product is going to build your wealth at a snail?s pace.

Even if you do sell hundreds or thousands of copies of it, there is simply no leverage in that.

Then some smarter marketers have learned to boost their sales count by a margin with the use of One-Time Offers. You know, throw in an Upsell to your buyers after they make their initial purchase. If every 1 in 2 of your buyers snap up your offer, you can boost your sales by 50%.

And if they don?t buy your One-Time Offer? You can always downsell them with a cheaper product, and save some sales you would have otherwise lost.

The idea of boosting your sales count by 50% sounds good but?

Nowadays, Having Just A Single One-Time Offer Isn?t Going To Make The Cut.

The Internet Marketing landscape had changed tremendously in the past 30 months.

When you realize with a jolt that you are up against competitors who outsell you and outgun you at every turn, and buyers are spoilt with choices, this is no time to be subtle.

And if you are selling products that are in the low and middle ticket range under $100 (where most marketers are) a single Upsell can only generate you so much income.

So after going back to the drawing board, giving my upcoming product launches and online business a complete overhaul in design, I?ve come up with a new business model that:

? Skyrockets my Customer Lifetime Value by at least 1400%!

? Puts in 4.6 times more income from sales of my digital products and services

? Maximizes my Upsell conversion rates to 77% instead of the usual 50%

? And all these achieved with no extra buyers or extra traffic!

Call In The Big Guns! Let Me Show You What 3 Level, Ultra-Charged Upsells Can Do For Your Online Business Profits?

With 7 perfect reasons:

1. Make your first (or next) million faster. When you can generate $668 to $3188 PER customer, it is definitely going to be faster to reach your million than if you command a timid price of 7 bucks. (Even if you set the bar lower, you are still going to get there only FASTER)

2. Premium perceived value. When your customer sees you have an impressive line of offers he already knows you mean business, and buyers take you more seriously than the guy one website ago selling just one puny product.

3. Yes, there are people who will buy everything in your sales funnel! Speaking from experience, it is not uncommon for buyers to snap up EVERYTHING in my sales funnel. While not every buyer will behave that way, you have a better chance of selling 1 or 2 Upsells vs. just a single One-Time Offer.

4. Why put your high ticket offer in the backend? when you can bring it to the front lines NOW? There?s no need to wait to whip out your $2000 program several days later when you can bank in on the customer?s buying trance like RIGHT NOW!

5. It is easier to sell more stuff to the same buyer vs. finding a new buyer and doing all the persuading all over.

6. Big companies do it all the time. GoDaddy does it. Domino?s Pizza Online does it?

7. And so do 7 figure and 8 figure marketers from around the world!

Will YOU be next?

Just So You Know I Am Not Making Sh*t Up As I Go Along?

Let me show you just some of my many groundbreaking results from implementing everything I teach in my training program.

(This is REAL, irrefutable proof that this thing makes money like clockwork, hands down!)

All in all, I know and have experienced what I talk about. If you are already selling something online right now, I guarantee this will add the high speed gears you?ve always wanted to your bottom-line.

And the good news is that you can do this as easily and quickly in the next 48 hours?

Several product launches and a few major sales funnel tweaks later, I have conceived and designed the Internet Sales Machine? training program to thoroughly explain the latest version of my million dollar blueprint.

Here?s What You Will Learn?


Module #1: The Internet Sales Machine

? The core of a rock solid, online money-making machine in 3 easy steps (T ______ + L ___ + S ____ )

? BIG Money vs. Good Money: how to be that guy raking in $200,000 instead of $20,000

? The Internet Sales Machine blueprint ? the same blueprint that enabled me to pull in 5 times more profits and propel my Customer Lifetime Value by at least 1400% and above! This is now yours to duplicate.


Module #2: Front-End Offer Madness

? How to spawn multiple, low Front-End Offers that sell into the hundreds or even thousands of copies EACH!

? Secret to generating UNLIMITED product ideas
within minutes of easy research (fancy paid tools required!)

? 4 ways to make your Front-End offer sell like gangbusters!

? Easy product creation in a flash! Even if you have no prior experience, I show how you can become an expert authority figure without shelling a fortune on ?going back to school? let alone waste months of valuable time.

? Fast Ticket To High Ticket: how to spawn higher end offers and command $297 ? $497 fees from clients! (If you have only low ticket products now, get ready because this is going to dramatically boost your income on steroids!)

? How to get 60-40 and 70-30 partnership deals? YOUR WAY! Enough of 50-50 deals? After going through my training program you are going to find out your knowledge is worth more to your partner than his to you! ;-)

? How to create value enhancing Bonuses almost instantly!

? The ideal pricing strategy + 32 sweet pricing points tried and tested for you!


Module #3: Mastery Of Words

? My crash course, fast and easy 8-step process to spitting out your first sales letter in record time! I have trained my Interns with only this section in my training program and are now cranking out quality copy.

? Already have your own product and sales letter? Discover how to DOUBLE or even TRIPLE your sales with the same amount of traffic? overnight!

? Psychological triggers that actually PERSUADE your readers to transit from potential customer to satisfied buyer!

? 16 formulas to explode your sales copy conversion rates!

? For the record, this Module is a standalone web copywriting course I have created of the same name. I have been writing sales copies for more than 6 years? Now you can get all my knowledge distilled into just less than an hour?s learning!


Module #4: The 3 Level Upsell

? How to skyrocket your Customer Lifetime Value by at least 1400%!

? How to create the 3 Level Upsell and walk your Front-End buyer through each of them, regardless of their purchases!

? Tactics to increase your conversion rates at each Upsell 11% to 50%!

? How to create instant Downsells and get more sales from the same buyers and without extra effort!


Module #5: How To Set Up Your 3 Level Sales Funnel

? You will learn the technical aspects of setting up your Internet Sales Machine and the 3 Level Upsells in step-by-step!

? This Module is further broken down into two parts ? while there are many ways to accomplish this, watch over my shoulder as I guide you through the simplest and fastest setup. (No merchant account required!)


Module #6: Getting Traffic With JVS / Affiliates

? My best and most favorite method of drawing instant traffic for instant results!

? Where and how to get other Affiliates to push your new product for you
- all decked with Upsells and a ready platform for everyone to bank in on!

? THE ART OF CONTENT R __________ : plug in these traffic enhancing methods to draw in passive, targeted traffic with existing content!

A Few Other Things You NEED To Know?

? This is NOT just about supercharged Upsells. Sure, that makes fantastic income and a big part of this course covers that, but that?s just part of the formula in the grand scheme of making money online.

? This is NOT a product creation crash course. To win the marketing game it?s about creating irresistible OFFERS people want and will pay top dollar for.

? This is NOT a ?Get Rich Quick? scheme. Okay let me clarify that: it IS possible to be get rich really fast. But the Internet Sales Machine is just that, a system. If you get this training program and don?t do anything, I have a feeling you are going to be in for a disappointment.

? Above all, this is NOT a fad. There are no loopholes to exploit and no short term trends to ride on. The sizable amount of income generated over the years is testament that this system WORKS and it is here to stay.

I am going to be frank?My Inner Circle Coaching students have paid anywhere from $497 to $997 to learn this. Myself? I paid $500 ? $4000? just to learn different aspects of the business! (And don?t get me started on the guesswork and riddles I have to still piece out on my own from there.)

And it wasn?t a couple more years before I refined and improved the system to what it is today.

Right now you can get the entire Internet Sales Machine? training system for a one-time payment of only?

No not $197.00?

No not $49.95 either?

(although that?s the retail price on my main website InternetSalesMachine.com)

But just

Warrior Special Offer Price:


That?s no misprint. No typo.

To be fair, this training system course doesn?t come with personal coaching, or one-to-one ?lifetime? support, or seminar networking opportunities, or any other perks that my Inner Circle Coaching students get.

I want to reach many people with this. There?s no ?scarcity factor? gimmick ? I mean, why should I limit to selling just 500 copies when I can help as many people as I can? And I know you will love this; wait until you see what else I have in store for you.

By right, I don?t need to offer any extra bonuses since Internet Sales Machine? in itself is a powerful all-in-one solution. But tell you what, here are more wealth-building bonuses to up the ante but only IF you act now:


Bonus Module 7 ? The ClickBank Gamers? Case Study

My 20 minute video case study on the critically acclaimed ClickBank Gamers? that generated over $250,000 in sales revenue and climbed to #7 in the ClickBank marketplace during launch week!

This is a $97 real world value.


Swipe Sales Letter Upsell + Downsell Pages!

In addition to the first Fast Action Bonus, you also get the 3 Upsell + 3 Downsell sales pages I have personally written for ClickBank Gamers? that you can swipe or use as a reference for your own Upsells!

Now this is a $1997 real world value!


The Missing Chapters

Get my special report on:

BONUS CHAPTER #1: $21,226.90 (could have been just $11,993)
Originally posted on the Warrior Forum, this is a detailed account on how I pulled off this phenomenal results which took only less than two weeks of preparation, and launched for 4 days!

BONUS CHAPTER #2: How I Increased My Sales Revenue By Nearly 800% In 3 Years!
A long term case study on a series of mini product launches I had tweaked and improved with every succession. Everything based on the prototype up until the Internet Sales Machine you know today.

This is a $67 real world value.

And if you?re still wondering whether you should give the Internet Sales Machine? system a try?

So there you have it? secure your instant access now at WSO price (you save 80% from visiting my main website) and I?ll see you inside!

Edmund Loh

P.S. This is hands down the easiest and smartest way ANYONE can go from absolutely nothing to banking in hard, cold cash like a boss. Once you see this, you will know why I am always excited about it and I know you will be too. Just as my Inner Circle students are. Just as my business associates are.

That is why I am going as far as to stake my reputation on this with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, or it?s your money back. I?ll be shouldering the entire risk of your investment for the next 60 days so you?re free to give this a run under no obligations.

Related posts:

  1. Mining Clickbank Gems-Use Clickbank Data to Develop Your Own Products

Source: http://www.wsoshop.com/affiliate-marketing/clickbank/internet-sales-machine-how-we-bagged-250000-and-got-to-7-on-clickbank-in-a-week/

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